Can you use an older key fob on a 2025 Santa Fe?

Like many others, I think the new Hyundai key fob is a huge downgrade. The 2023 version was so much more practical, and I’d really prefer to use that one instead. Has anyone managed to reprogram an older fob to work with a 2025 Santa Fe (Calligraphy)? If you have, how did you do it, and where did you get it done?

Following this. The new key fob is way too big and bulky. I know I can just use my phone as a key, but honestly, it makes me a little nervous to go out without an actual key.

I wanted to do this too. From what I’ve found, the newer fobs (like the ones on the 2024+ Santa Fe) use a different chip and frequency, so it’s not possible to reprogram an older fob to work. I even tried getting one of those fob covers from AliExpress, but it just made the fob even bulkier and heavier. Whoever approved this design at Hyundai seriously messed up.

The key fob is honestly the only thing making me hesitate about getting this car. I can’t believe there’s no way to just pay $200 to get a smaller, custom fob that actually looks and feels decent.

I’m surprised no one has 3D-printed a better housing for the fob yet.

Davis said:
I’m surprised no one has 3D-printed a better housing for the fob yet.

It wouldn’t just be the housing though. The button positions are tied to the chip inside. Even if you 3D-printed something, if you’re using the same internal board, the size and shape won’t change much.

You could change the shape, slim it down, and move the buttons around. It could be enough to make a big difference and completely transform the design.

Davis said:
I’m surprised no one has 3D-printed a better housing for the fob yet.

Someone was working on 3D-printed designs for fobs and other custom parts like emblems. You might want to look them up on this forum.