First question: I sometimes see a dot at about the 2 o’clock spot on my tachometer. It’s either white or red. I can’t find anything about it in the manual. Any ideas?
Second question: If I’ve already set up my Digital Key on my phone and watch, and Bluelink is all good to go, do I really need to carry the fob anymore?
For the second question, it’s up to you. I’ve been using my phone as the key for a few days now, and I feel fine. But it does feel risky relying only on something I handle constantly, like my phone, compared to a fob that just stays in my pocket.
Welcome to what Tesla drivers deal with all the time! No fobs here. It’s a bit scary at first, but you get used to it. Plus, if you lose your phone, you can log in on someone else’s device to unlock the car in an emergency.
Jalen said:
Is the dot on the tachometer or the speedometer? If it’s on the speedometer, white means you’re within the speed limit, and red means you’re over it.
It’s on the speedometer. Makes sense about the speed limit. Feels like since COVID, everyone’s driving at least 10 mph faster than before.
I’ve been using the digital key for a week now because I hate carrying stuff in my pockets. It’s been fine except once, when I had to open Apple Wallet to unlock the car. Also, one time the rear hatch opened while I was near the driver’s door, which was weird. But overall, it’s been working. Sometimes you might have to place your phone on the wireless charger to activate the key.
The dot shows your speed relative to the road’s speed limit. It’s white when you’re within 5 mph over the limit and turns red when you’re way over. You can adjust this in the settings, but that’s the default. I disabled it on mine, but here’s a video explaining it:
I haven’t used my fob in 7–8 months and never had an issue. I first tried it when I visited family and forgot my fob. My husband dropped off the car at the airport for me, and it worked fine with just my phone. Now that I have my driver’s license on my phone and use Apple Pay, I don’t even carry a purse anymore. If you’re nervous, start with short trips near home until you’re more confident.