I have a 2025 SEL Hybrid (USA), and I’ve been trying to figure out if the side mirrors tilt down when reversing to help see curbs better. Some people say their Santa Fe does this, and I’m used to having this feature on my other cars. I think it’s even mentioned in the manual.
I’ve heard that you need to leave the mirror adjustment button on either L or R for it to work, but that doesn’t seem to do anything for me. Can anyone confirm if this feature exists on the SEL trim?
Try this: leave the adjustment switch on L or R, put the car in reverse, and then adjust the mirrors down while holding the brake pedal. That might save the position for next time.
Devin said:
Try this: leave the adjustment switch on L or R, put the car in reverse, and then adjust the mirrors down while holding the brake pedal. That might save the position for next time.