Parking sensors acting weird?

Our car doesn’t seem to recognize objects in front when parking—like if I pull into the garage, it won’t beep or show anything. But the second I put it in reverse from the same spot, suddenly it starts beeping and showing how close I was to the wall.

Anyone else experience this? :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, my Sonata freaks out over random stuff. When I roll my garbage can up the driveway, the car acts like we’re about to die. I just ignore it and hope it doesn’t slam the brakes. Still not sure why it’s so worried about what’s behind me when I’m moving forward—early warning for getting rear-ended, maybe? :man_shrugging: It’s more effort to turn it off every time than to just let it finish panicking.

Hyundais always have weird little issues like this.

Check your settings—there might be an option for the parking sensors. Maybe the front ones are turned off? If not, might be worth asking the dealer.

Mine does the same thing, but if I shift back into drive, the sensors start working again. If I want them on without going into reverse, I just press the button on the center console.