Where can I find 0W-30 oil in the US?

I’m preparing for a break-in oil change, which the Service Manager at the dealership says isn’t necessary. Tomorrow, I plan to call the parts department at the dealership, but my Sunday search online only turned up options like Amazon and Mobile 1 ESP at Walmart for $8.78 per quart. I’m not picky about the brand, but I need to stick to the recommended 0W-30 viscosity.

Here’s a list of what I found online:

  • Quaker State® Euro
  • Pennzoil Platinum Euro LX
  • Castrol Edge Euro
  • Mobil 1 Advanced Fuel Economy
  • Mobil 1 ESP
  • Valvoline European Vehicle

I know Euro-spec oil is top-notch, I used Castrol 5w40 Euro in my truck during the summer when towing heavy loads. Just make sure it actually meets Hyundai’s oil spec. It didn’t meet GM/Chevy’s requirements even though Euro-spec oil actually exceeds Dexos. But my truck was 12 years old with 250k km, so warranty concerns were long gone.

I’ve read your oil-related comments in other threads and took notes. It’s been hard to find clear specs, especially on Amazon where some bottles are hard to read. Some manufacturer’s websites aren’t much better either, with too much or too little info. There’s a good chance I’ll just go with what the dealership sells me. If Hyundai has any questions later, they and the dealership can work it out.

I have both a Santa Cruz and Santa Fe, and both use 0W-30 oil. I get my oil and filters at AutoZone or O’Reilly’s.

Cort said:
I have both a Santa Cruz and Santa Fe, and both use 0W-30 oil. I get my oil and filters at AutoZone or O’Reilly’s.

Thanks. I didn’t see 0W-30 on AutoZone’s website, and I always forget about O’Reilly’s. If it’s not raining tomorrow, I’ll visit them to see what they have in stock.

Amazon has the 0W-30 Pennzoil Platinum Euro LX, and probably other options too.

Skylar said:
Amazon has the 0W-30 Pennzoil Platinum Euro LX, and probably other options too.

Yes, thanks. I’m only going to visit a couple of places because I want to get out of the house and compare prices (if I can find anything).

Pennzoil Ultra Platinum is probably the best oil you can get, in my opinion! It checks all the boxes!

My Walmart says they have the 5-quart jug for $27 in stock, but I could never find it. Had to pay $37 at AutoZone.

I’m also planning to do the break-in oil change for my 2025 Hybrid and ordered Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 0W-20 on Amazon (I’ll do the oil change in the next two weeks at about 1300 miles). I believe 0W-30 is for the gas-only model, right?

link to oil

Anyone recommend against using this one? The specs seem to meet all the requirements and the reviews are good overall.

Pennzoil UP is great oil.

All I’ve found in stock is Mobile 1 at Walmart. I’ll call the dealership tomorrow.


Ellis said:

It’s been shown time and again that a break-in filter swap should be done at the very least. But for $40, you can do a quick break-in oil change.

Ellis said:

Happy Cake Day!

Ellis said:

You are absolutely 100% WRONG.